
If for some reason the item does not fit you, you can issue a return in this way:
You can make a return within 3 days from the date of purchase by filling out the form on our website. Only 1 product can be filled in one form. Additional information about the return will be sent to the e-mail specified in the form. Shipping is carried out at the expense of the buyer according to the tariffs of Nova Poshta.
Please note that we accept the goods in their original condition, without new damage and with the Brandmuse tag attached. The branded box is considered part of the kit. If it is damaged during transportation, we will not be able to accept the return. Dustcovers, covers and other accessories that came with the item must also be returned with the item. Please make sure that there are no marks on the soles and shoe box after trying on the shoes.

Refund of funds
If the returned goods were paid for online on the website, the refund is made to the card from which the payment was made. The timeframe for crediting funds to the recipient's current account depends on the internal regulations of the recipient bank and is usually up to 7 banking days.